Not sure how to get a recommendation letter for law school that’d give you an edge? Read it to know all the checkpoints you should cross out for a successful application.

Law School Letter of Recommendation: Ultimate Guide!

Law School Letter of Recommendation

If you’re applying to a law school, or any college for that matter, getting your letter of recommendation right and nailing it will make all the difference for you.

 In this article, we will walk you through all the gory details that you need to know regarding your Letter of recommendation. Therefore, let’s jump into how you crack the code and get your Letter of recommendation right for Law school.

Let’s dive right in!

How will my Letter of Recommendation for Law School Make a Difference

A letter of recommendation reflects your skills and qualifications that are pertinent to your education and academic background. A letter of recommendation is a reflection of how strong a candidate you are and highlights your expertise in handling the academic work of a rigorous and highly competitive law school.

This letter then sets the tone for the admission committee if you are a promising candidate for their law school. Getting them from a teacher who knows you well and can vouch for your skills is always best!

This way, not only will your letter be excellent recommendation and sound personal but it also has some heart to really make the selection committee want to meet you and set that first impression that can make all the difference

A letter of recommendation for law schools is one of the most crucial aspects of your application and can be the defining factor of your admission. Your law school will utilize your Letter of recommendation to evaluate whether you are a suitable candidate or not. Since Letters of recommendation are written by external entities, they hold great value. Not only that but when it comes to Law itself, the personality of who is going to be the next lawyer really matters. So, make sure your letter really has a personality and some substance to make you stand out.

Make It Brief, But Encapsulate All Crucial Details

Your LOR shouldn’t be unbearably long. Try to keep it as concise as possible. However, you must ensure that it covers all crucial details. Your LOR should be well-written and, most importantly, written by the right personnel.

Number Of Law School Letters of Recommendations

Many universities do not require a letter of recommendation, and many have set a minimum number of letters of recommendation to be submitted. However, it is still highly recommended that you submit letters of recommendation and follow the instructions closely. The number of required letters of recommendation per college can vary. Many Canadian and American Law Schools require you to have two letters of recommendation.

Requesting a Law School Letter of Recommendation – The Process

Individuals who are either applying for a job or for a graduate or post-graduate program typically request their previous professors or employers for a letter of recommendation, who then send the recommendation letter directly to the personnel responsible for admitting or recruiting you.

While choosing a recommender, be very mindful. Your recommender should not just be credible in their respective field, but they should also be someone whom you know for a fact will state only good things related to your character and performance. Even if they do point out any negatives, make sure they are someone who saw you grow and can point out all your improvements and how you proved yourself.

Choosing the Writer:

Choosing an individual who can justify your strength and capabilities on your letter of recommendation makes all the difference. Ideally, your academic professor, teacher’s assistant, and past managers should be approached. Our recommendation would be any person that was a mentor to you.


Do not ask your friends or family members to write you a letter of recommendation. This means that it is imperative that you only approach individuals with whom you share a professional connection and not a personal one. Asking people in your private circle to curate a LOR for you will be considered biased and will have zero credibility.

Providing Supporting Information

Even if your recommender of choice has known you for a considerably long time, you must provide them with all the relevant and necessary information. Likely, they are not precisely aware of your achievements and academic qualification.

Ideally, you should provide your recommender with your contact details, recommendation form, the list of companies or educational institutes you intend on applying to, your transcripts and other educational documents, a summary of necessary projects and publications that you have worked on, your updated resume, and your law school personal statement. Lastly, you can also provide your recommender with a note that emphasizes all the points you wish for them to highlight in your letter of recommendation.

Reaching Out at The Right Time

Before reaching out to your recommender, make sure that you are providing them with ample time to curate a noteworthy letter of recommendation for your law school. You need to give them enough time before the deadline for your Law School submission and even your LSAC. An ideal time to approach your recommender is approximately two months before the submission deadline. Lastly, you need to mention your recommender’s complete details if you’re using LSAC’s Letter of Recommendation service. After this, your recommender will receive a formal email with entire details on how to submit the letter of recommendation.

Why Is a Law School Letter of Recommendation Important For Law Schools?

A letter of recommendation makes your application stand out amongst other applicants. If you and another candidate have the same GPA or LSAT score, then the LOR is the defining factor that makes one better than the other, and this gets shortlisted. Additionally, they also provide the recruiter with a qualitative insight into the candidate and provide a third-party point of view of the candidate. Furthermore, it also shows them how and if you would prove to be an asset to the university and the judicial system.

How To Make Your Law School Letter of Recommendation Stand Out?

Complete And Unique Details

To make your letter of recommendation stand out, for starters, you need to provide your recommender with as much information about you as possible. Provide your recommender with details about you that cannot be found anywhere else. This will make your LOR different from the rest of the applicant’s letters.

Your Recommender Can Make You Shine

Ask your recommender to compare you with other candidates they’ve evaluated and how you shine in a crowd. Tell them to pick on two or three of your strongest suits and elaborate on those. They can also mention specific circumstances where you outshined others and showed your true potential, to give your strengths more credibility and backing.

More Than Your GPA

Firstly, your recommender must not be general and should avoid platitudes at all costs. This would make your LOR mundane and uninteresting. They can also include subtle weaknesses of yours and how you worked to overcome them. In this way, your recommender will establish that your credibility goes far beyond your GPA and reflect on your potential for future success and how you imbibe growth and discipline in your life.

Holistic And Specific

Lastly, your LOR shouldn’t miss out on any crucial detail and shouldn’t be restricted to your academic capabilities. Your recommender needs to present you as a holistic individual who isn’t just focused on academia but is also pragmatic.

Essential Qualitative Details Your Law School Letter of Recommendation Must Cover

As discussed above, your Law School Letter of Recommendation shouldn’t just highlight your academia but also shed light on your qualitative strengths. Following are some of the top qualitative strengths that will take you a long way by highlighting in your LOR:

Communication Skills

Having strong communication skills won’t just help you get into a renowned Law school, but it is also the key to taking you far in life in general. Your LOR should reflect your ability to curate meticulous and vibrant sentences and your command over the language in general.


All the leading Law Schools are looking to create their students into future leaders. Therefore, you need to reflect through your LOR that you have the potential to lead others and set the path that others will follow. You can do so by mentioning instances where you can persuade, motivate or even engage other individuals in a certain direction. Your LOR should reflect your persistence and motivation and the extent to which you are willing to go to achieve your goal. Mention a situation where you worked against all odds to acquire a grade or job that you desired.

Individuality and Intelligence

Your LOR should be indicative of your analytical abilities and how you can work through abstract and complex ideas and situations. If there are instances that have affected your overall academic record, then do mention how you are more than what is shown on your transcript. Let your LOR reflect your independence of thought and your character.

Build a Connection with Your Law School Recommender

Lastly, and most importantly, you need to develop a strong connection and understanding with your recommender. For this, be inquisitive. Your recommender should be someone worthy of your time and effort and should ideally be someone you can look up to. In this way, they will serve you as a much-needed mentor.


To cultivate a deeper bond with your recommender, you should pay frequent visits to their office and participate very keenly and activities during their session and lectures. By reaching out to them more often on career-related and by collaborating with them for research, you gain attain their closeness and candor.

Usually, developing a deeper connection without a lecturer and supervisor often takes a back seat primarily because of the nature of the relationship. However, if you are choosing a certain professor to recommend you to your dream Law college, then you need to allow him to see who you are. This can only happen when you two establish a relationship beyond the classroom and when they’re able to see you beyond grades and class participation.

Recommendation Letter law school

Wrapping it up

You may be one of the brightest most talented students out there. But if you are not able to communicate your talent and potential when the time comes then you will not be able to acquire the success and opportunities that you truly desire.

Therefore, it is imperative that your Law School Letter of Recommendation
reflects who you truly are and more. If it fails to do so , all your academic achievements and extracurriculars might go in vain if you don’t get into the Law school of your choice. Thus, whoever writes your LOR make sure you can trust them with your life and ensure that they know you for the person you truly are so that it is properly communicated in your LOR!

Best of luck!


Generally, law schools may require two to three letters of recommendation from individuals who can speak to your academic and professional abilities, such as professors, employers, or supervisors. Some law schools may also require a letter from someone who can speak to your character and personal qualities.

It’s generally a good idea to ask for letters of recommendation at least 4-6 weeks before the application deadline, although some recommenders may need more time. If possible, it’s best to ask for letters of recommendation even earlier, such as at the beginning of the semester or well before the application period opens. This will allow your recommenders to plan and allocate time for writing your letter.

When selecting individuals to write your letters of recommendation, choosing people who know you well and can speak to your strengths and qualifications for the program or job you are applying to is essential. To apply to a law school, make sure to get your letters from Law professors or attorneys, your academic professors or mentors.

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