+16 Points LSAT Score Increase on Average.

Access Prep has helped hundreds of students get in top law schools. It all started with our premium LSAT program for +16 Points LSAT Score Increase

What Makes Access Prep Curriculum best in the industry?

Immersive & Entertaining Experience

Embark on an immersive and cinematic journey through our LSAT course videos. Our team of experts has meticulously crafted each video with stunning visuals and captivating sound design. Shot and edited with the latest technology, every scene is carefully designed to help you master complex concepts smoothly and effectively.

99th Percentile LSAT Instructors

Our LSAT instructors stand out from the crowd. With 99th percentile scores and exceptional teaching skills, they're extensively trained in the proven Access Prep method to help you achieve your LSAT goals. Meet our team and experience excellence today.

Revolutionary LSAT

Our groundbreaking LSAT curriculum is designed with proven techniques used by therapists to help students overcome test anxiety. Our innovative instruction style features constant positive reinforcement and unique strategies to help our students achieve faster than anywhere else in the industry.

Access Prep Students

Abdus Najmi

LSAT Score:


Law School:


Alex Andrikian

LSAT Score:


Law School:

Northwestern Law

Cauolyn Baptiste

LSAT Score:


Law School:

Cornell Law

Emily Haverstick

LSAT Score:


Law School:


Eric Ahern

LSAT Score:


Law School:

UC Berkeley Law

Lewis Ntolla

LSAT Score:


Law School:

Georgetown Law

What We Offer

Self-Paced LSAT Course

Fully Comprehensive and engaging course accessible anytime and anywhere.

1:1 LSAT Tutoring

1:1 sessions with one of our incredible LSAT tutors.

Admissions Consulting

Complete admissions support from experienced law school admissions consultants

We Hire the Best LSAT Instructors and



Access Prep students increase their LSAT scores by an average of 16 points!

We are thrilled to announce that our students have achieved outstanding results in the 2020-2021 LSAT exams, with an average score increase of 16 points! We are incredibly proud of their hard work and dedication, and we are honored to have played a part in their success. Our world-class instructors, immersive videos, and cutting-edge drilling platform, featuring thousands of official LSAT questions and explanations, have helped our students reach their full potential. If you're looking to achieve your own LSAT success, there's no better time than now to join Access Prep and start your journey to success!

Traeona Brinson, +30

Revolutionary Curriculum

At Access Prep, we understand that test anxiety can be a major barrier to success for many students. That's why we've incorporated techniques commonly used by therapists into our LSAT course to help our students manage their anxiety and perform their best on the exam. Our instructors use these techniques to help students overcome their anxiety and build confidence in their test-taking abilities. We've seen firsthand how these techniques can make a real difference for our students, and we're proud to offer a holistic approach to LSAT preparation that addresses both the academic and emotional aspects of the exam.

Niloufer Khan , 169

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