Strengthen your law school application and put your best foot forward. Read this article to find the ideal way to structure your letter of continued interest for law school.

Letter of Continued Interest: Ultimate Guide!

letter of continued interest

Without a doubt, filling out law school applications is quite an anxiety-inducing process. The stress and anxiety certainly don’t stop as soon as you hit the submit button. It perhaps only gets worse after submitting the applications while waiting for the outcomes.

But hey! Do not let the stress get the best of you. Do not squander time browsing online forums or second-guessing yourself following submitting your application. Maintaining your candidacy’s strength should be a priority. In addition to this, it is always a good idea to maintain a good GPA if you are a college student looking to get into a law school with a good ranking.  

In the end, you want to be able to share happy opportunities if you wind yourself on one or more waitlists. Even after you click “submit,” your life continues. In many situations, it seems sensible to keep law school admissions officers informed about your candidature, to express your continued interest in the program, or to confirm that you will enroll if accepted.

How Long Does the “Wait” in Law School Waitlists Last?

The rise in applications for law schools since the pandemic erupted led to over-enrollment at some schools last year. Admissions committees for law schools appear to be sending more candidates to waitlists than they did in the past.

A more critical possibility is that law schools are exploiting lengthy waitlists to weed out unmotivated candidates to boost their rankings. As a potential applicant, you may be placed on a waitlist by a law school that believes you are eligible but is more likely to reject them in favor of another institution. Law school can save face and appear more selective depending on whether you withdraw or persist.

Additionally, waitlisting applications provide a law school great clout when negotiating scholarship terms. Law schools may be gently pressuring you to accept admission at full price by exploiting their waitlists, while merit-based financial aid is on the rise, and applicants are more likely to seek scholarships.

Many candidates believe that law schools have a strict backlog, similar to a queue of customers waiting for a table at a fine dining restaurant. A ranking list of the countless candidates who were placed on the waitlist, however, would be subjective and pointless.

For instance, admissions personnel may give waitlisted candidates with high LSAT scores priority if many of the applicants gaining admission have LSAT scores below the school’s median. Admissions officers will search for waitlisted candidates with such profiles if an excessive number of applicants with backgrounds in science and technology deny admission.

In short, you could be waiting for a long time if you do not express any interest in the law school you hope to get into after submitting your application.

What is a Letter of Continued Interest?

In keeping with its name, a letter of continued interest advises the law school that you are still interested and plan to apply again in the future. By highlighting your commitment and desire to do everything in your power to increase your chances of admission, the letter will serve one of its main objectives of helping you.

Law schools receive a large number of applications each semester and reject a large number of applicants. However, continued persistence, commitment, and tenacity can demonstrate to the university that you have confidence in yourself and that you respect the law school’s standards. Yep, you gotta keep at it until it pays off!

When Should I Consider Sending in a Letter of Continued Interest?

Understanding when to send a letter of continuous interest and when not to is crucial. Some circumstances require or strongly advise sending your preferred law school a letter of continued interest. The following three reasons are typical justifications for thinking about writing the law school admissions office.

When Your Application is Deferred

Being deferred does not necessarily mean you have been refused, despite what many people believe (there’s still hope!!). Being deferred implies that your application has been put off till later, indicating that you are not currently accepted, yet it does not imply that you should not reapply. Instead, provide the school with a letter of continued interest to let them know that you still want to attend and would be happy to be admitted in the future.

That’s precisely where your persuasion skills can make all the difference!

When You are Placed on the Waitlist

If you are waitlisted, it means that the law school has not yet accepted or denied your admission. This may be the most obvious time to send a letter of continued interest. Being placed on a waitlist often indicates you will not be admitted to a law school program, but you may hear from them if a spot opens up in the ensuing months. You should send a letter of continuous interest to let them know that you are still keen to enroll in the law school program in this situation.

To Highlight Your Latest Achievements

Despite your objective for submitting the letter of continued interest, make sure to highlight any recent successes. This could be something as simple as an improved LSAT test score or changes to your application.

However, it is advisable to send fewer letters of continued interest overall. To put it another way, avoid sending one if there are no recent developments or accomplishments to report or if you have already let them know that you plan to reapply. Don’t do it just for the sake of it.

What should I include in a Letter of Continued Interest?

The admissions department may take into account your letter of continued interest when reevaluating your application, so it is a smart move to stay in the game. Some important details to include in the letter to ensure you are giving it your best shot are a boost in the GPS and LSAT scores since applying or any new recognitions, publications, or accomplishments.


It is also a great idea to include new roles of leadership, for instance, in extracurricular activities. Some colleges include guidelines or requirements in their deferral or waitlist letters. These include eligibility criteria that you might not have met at the time of applying. One of the most common requirements is higher test scores. As a result, your statement of continued interest should state if you have met any of the specified prerequisites.

What should not become a part of my Letter of Continued Interest?

One of the most crucial is probably to hold back on your disappointment. Do not let your letter reflect how disappointed you are about being postponed or placed on the waitlist.

A mention of other schools that have approved your application or extended an offer should also be omitted from the letter. Even though it could feel like you are upping your game, it can come out as cocky and make you appear less focused on getting into their school. The committee might be less likely to reconsider you if they discover you have other possibilities.

Finally, avoid repeating material that the school is already aware of. Do not, in other words, rewrite your personal statement and repeat all that has already been expressed. Consider your achievements and what has changed since you initially applied.

Structure of your Letter of Continued Interest

Now that you have become familiar with what a letter of continued interest is and what should or should not be included in it, let us take a look at how the letter should be structured.

Introduce Yourself

Sending a letter of ongoing interest indicates that they have probably already studied your application and taken the time to let you know what they have decided. As a result, begin the letter with a statement of thanks to set a positive tone. Thank them for the time and resources they spent considering your application, whether you were deferred or placed on the waitlist.

Showcase Your Level of Interest in the Law School and its Program

The second step is to state your level of interest, which is the letter’s main goal. There is no harm in telling them that this law school is your top pick if you appreciate their program more than any other. They will know you are enthusiastic and prepared to go if they decide to admit you if you demonstrate your commitment to and respect for the institution.

Highlight Your Latest Achievements that the Law School is not Aware of Already

You need to develop a means to highlight recent achievements, as was already suggested. The following section of the letter should therefore mention your most recent accomplishments, such as LSAT exam scores, volunteer work, new leadership positions, etc. It is preferable to keep the information current and fresh, yet a straightforward reminder of major accomplishments may be fine if condensed into one or two brief sentences.

Mention Your Recent Interactions with the Law School

For instance, if you have not had any recent interactions with law school, this element may not always be required. However, you should highlight it in the letter of continued interest if you met anyone significant at the university, such as a professor or significant admissions staff member. Even something as simple as stopping by the campus or going to a sporting event might demonstrate your support for the university.

End on an Encouraging Note

Make sure to end the letter on a nice and encouraging note. Make sure to include your contact details and let them know how to reach you if they have any queries regarding your application.

Things to Keep in Mind when Writing a Letter of Recommendation

Read the letter and any instructions carefully if a law school puts your name on the waitlist. The dates, whether they seek extra information, and how they prefer to receive it differ between law schools. At a time when law schools are keen to trim their lists, failing to adhere to these rules sends the wrong message.

In addition to writing the letter of continued interest, make plans to visit the school if you can and participate in online or live admissions activities to show interest and support your choice. Knowing more about a school will help you keep your expectations realistic because people often want things they can’t have.

Lastly, the LSAT may be retaken in late spring or early summer if you feel that your score hurt your chances. Wait to register until after getting all of your decisions because many colleges won’t take into account an application with a pending test score.

What Happens After You Submit Your Letter of Continued Interest?

After the deadline for tuition deposits, usually, in April or May, law schools begin accepting applications off their backlog. Consider this procedure as a series of connected chain reactions. More and more slots become available as each candidate accepts admission to one school while rejecting numerous others. If any admitted students fail to show up, schools may even accept waitlisted candidates after courses have started.


Being waitlisted by a top-choice law school will eventually lessen your worry and anxiety. This will feel obvious and would not be worth the concern if you are ultimately accepted. If you are turned down, your sadness will not last long and you will eventually get accepted to a new school. Any regrets, in either case, will not last long.

Final Takeaway

Overall, each law school aims to create a strong class rather than picking the top candidate out of the pool of candidates.

Give it your best shot while you’re at it! 


An LSAT letter of continued interest is a formal letter that an applicant sends to a law school after they have been waitlisted or deferred. The purpose of the letter is to express continued interest in attending the school and to update the admissions committee on any new information or achievements since the original application was submitted.

Writing an LSAT letter of continued interest can demonstrate to the admissions committee that you are still interested in attending their law school, even if you have been placed on a waitlist or deferred. It also allows you to update the committee on any new achievements or information that may strengthen your application.

You should write an LSAT letter of continued interest as soon as possible after being waitlisted or deferred. Ideally, the letter should be sent within a few weeks of receiving notification of your status.

Your LSAT letter of continued interest should include a brief statement expressing your continued interest in attending the law school, an update on any new achievements or information since you submitted your original application, and any additional reasons why you believe you would be a good fit for the school.

Your LSAT letter of continued interest should be concise and to the point. It should be no longer than one page, single-spaced, with 12-point font.

Your LSAT letter of continued interest should be formatted like a professional business letter. It should include your full name, contact information, and the date at the top of the page, followed by the recipient’s name, title, and contact information. The letter should begin with a formal salutation and end with a professional closing.

You should avoid being overly aggressive or demanding in your LSAT letter of continued interest. You should also avoid making any negative comments about the law school or the admissions committee. Instead, focus on expressing your continued interest and providing new information that may strengthen your application.

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